Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Website for Chronic Illness

Restministries.org provides great support for those with chronic illness. You'll find chat rooms, books, advice on managing your household and much, much more. Here's a blurb from the website about how Rest Ministries got started.

Rest Ministries, Inc. began in 1996 and became a 501(c)[3] in ‘97. It was founded by Lisa Copen.

Lisa was diagnosed a few years earlier with rheumatoid arthritis at the age of 24 and life had changed dramatically. She searched for some time, but was unable to locate the kind of Christian support that she desired to help her along this unexpected detour of chronic illness.

Surely she couldn’t be the only one who lived with daily chronic pain, and believed in the Lord–and still wasn’t healed, right?

Right! Since 1996 Rest Ministries has reached hundreds of thousands of people–over 80,000 to the web site alone each month. And it continues to grow through the help of our volunteers who keep it going every day. And we are honored to be an affiliate ministry with Joni and Friends International Disability Ministry, the ministry of Joni Eareckson Tada.

Lisa has since been diagnosed with fibromyalgia in addition to rheumatoid arthritis. She recently underwent extensive surgery on her hand because of the crippling effects of RA.

Lisa established Bible study groups called HopeKeepers for those with chronic illness. I'll be teaching a six-weeks HopeKeepers Bible study for women this summer at Denton Bible Church. If you're in the Denton area, I would love to have you join me for hope and encouragement in living with a chronic illness. I've lived with fibromyalgia for over 25 years, and I understand how difficult life can be with the limitations of a chronic illness. But I've also learned how faithful God is and the joy that comes from totally depending on Him for strength.

Please email me if you would like to be notified when the date and time is set for HopeKeepers, or if you have questions. I hope to see you there!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you soo much, Connie. It's so fabulous to have to many blogs for people who live with illness that have a Godly perspective. Blessings to you and all you have on your plate right now.
